You may recall the era of create blog today apply for
adsene same day with limited contents and get adsense approval almost right
away, that was great right!
What is the basis for getting adsense approve your
application so you can start running revenue ads and earn some income as part
time or as well full time today?
Before I get on with adsense let me brief you about another
Google programme called Adword.
I will break it down in simple language, you have product
to sell online or offline, your profit is $1 per transaction you need one thousand
transaction to earn your one thousand dollar profit, remember they are billion
of users over the internet who need your product(s) but you can not reach them
all alone, so who can help you achieve your maximum transaction? Google put
together a programme (ADWORD) which extends your products and services to the
billion users over the internet.
With Adword you pay Google some amount per click or
impression for the Billion persons who will attract you products and service.
In order for Google to reach those billion customers for you they engage on a
programme of our discussion ADSENSE. Remember google alone can achieve traffic
but not as much as using adsense for content, so every ads you see belong to a
person or organization who pays google for such content.
ADSENSE: In adword you pay google for advertising your products and
services while in the case of adsense google pay you for advertising their
content that is the logic.
Now you have some hints on how adsense work so lets move on to how to apply and get your application approve. First you need a website, blog, YouTube channel or hubpages fully functioning, second you need a google account or have an e-mail with reputable website.
If you have a blog or hubpages then you can apply through blogger or hubpages, but if you have your own personal
website, you have to logon to adsense in order to apply.
APPROVAL: Google reserve the right to determine those they consider qualified for the programme and those not qualified, but I will give you hints that work.
Blogger: When you create blog with google it
must be fully integrated and contained relevant contents, in some cases it’s advice
to run such blog for at least six months (in some country) before applying for
Hubpages: When you create Hubpages it must contained relevant contents, photos, captivating contents, run such Hub for six months or less before applying for adsense.
Personal Website: Ensure that your site is fully functioning not one page site, include privacy policy, sitemap, good content and no pornographic images, avoid sub-domain meanwhile google reserved some administrative right to disapprove any application deem not suitable to their advertisers.
Adsense Approval: when you adsense is approve there are things you must avoid; don't click on your ads or instigate person(s) to click on your ads, read google policy careful
Disapproval: If you violate google adsense policy
google reserved the right to disable your account for any violation made through
your site and return money to their advertisers.
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